Hello everyone,
I wanted to let you all know that like always I will be hosting a holliday open house. I had scheduled one for December 3rd however after hearing some awful news about the passing of one of my friends I was not in the mental well being and state to host the open house.
I am now in the process of rescheduling it. I am looking to have a very casual enviornment and have a couple days for anyone to drop in. I will update everyone very shortly.

Stay happy and blessed,




Mavrags just finished and launched TWO COLLECTIONS AND TWO PHOTOSHOOTS to make choosing your perfect makeup look alot easier. Last week we attenced a Wellness Night promoting healthy choices and of course healthy makeup. It was very successful. We have new LIPSTICK TUBES that have now launched aswell we have brand new LIPSTICK PALLETTES that will be available extremely shortly! We strive to provide high quality affordable products with stlye and flair. I hope this is evident in our all new BUSINESS CARDS! And for a more enviormantal approach, our jars now have rotating sifters so we can cut down on plastic. Mavrags is extremly busy and continues to keep it fresh and keep our clients on their feet awaiting what Mavrags will do next!!! Stay updated by checking the blog regularily and I will soon start blogging all about the WDHS fashion show that Mavrags will be taking part in!
Last Tuesday, a group of my friends and I had the most epic time one could have. We had a paint war! Yes, a paint war. Although you may be thinking "what does a paint war have to do with a beauty blog" I wanted to blog about it because its all about playing with colour and creating art! We threw bottles, and bottles of different colours at each other then dumped sparkles on everyone. I think that it was an incredible experience i will never forget because it was out of the ordinary, and spectacular. All the colours on everyone looked amazing and brightened up the world a little more. The same goes with makeup! Colours, experiementing, and just having fun! You dont have to follow all the "rules" for makeup. Just have fun with colour and you cant go wrong! (within reason :P) Mavrags will be uploading some videos very soon, to show you how you can acheive some incredible looks just in time for heading back to school! So go for it, and have fun!

More and more work is being done on here, everyday! I want it to be the very best it can! Last night before I went to bed, the website had over 700 hits! WOW! I couldn't believe that! I was so excited. Now it has a whole new look and even today, I'm watching the view number, climb! Its such a great feeling, knowing people are taking the time to look at what you've created! :D
Hey everyone, welcome to the new Mavrags site. Hope you all like it. Make sure to check back for new updates, contest, give aways and events! We have lots planned for the beginning of fall so stay in the loop with us and like our facbeook for more perks! :D