For all you highschoolers, you know exams are quickly approaching. Myself and many others will be busy studying away and getting crazy stressed. Remember to take some time for yourself and give your mind a break. Try a bubble bath, soothing music, or a nice coffee date with a friend.
stay healthy and happy,
Hello everyone,
I wanted to let you all know that like always I will be hosting a holliday open house. I had scheduled one for December 3rd however after hearing some awful news about the passing of one of my friends I was not in the mental well being and state to host the open house.
I am now in the process of rescheduling it. I am looking to have a very casual enviornment and have a couple days for anyone to drop in. I will update everyone very shortly.

Stay happy and blessed,
This year for halloween Miss Mavrags herself was the blackswan; a huntingly beautiful creature :)

However; after getting home from school I did get bored and decided to shake things up :)




Mavrags just finished and launched TWO COLLECTIONS AND TWO PHOTOSHOOTS to make choosing your perfect makeup look alot easier. Last week we attenced a Wellness Night promoting healthy choices and of course healthy makeup. It was very successful. We have new LIPSTICK TUBES that have now launched aswell we have brand new LIPSTICK PALLETTES that will be available extremely shortly! We strive to provide high quality affordable products with stlye and flair. I hope this is evident in our all new BUSINESS CARDS! And for a more enviormantal approach, our jars now have rotating sifters so we can cut down on plastic. Mavrags is extremly busy and continues to keep it fresh and keep our clients on their feet awaiting what Mavrags will do next!!! Stay updated by checking the blog regularily and I will soon start blogging all about the WDHS fashion show that Mavrags will be taking part in!
Do you want to update your look for back to school or just for fall in general!? Well, Mavrags can help! Mavrags has now completed an end of summer photo shoot sporting the fall looks: Neutral Eye, Jewel Toned Eyeliner, Sheer Lip Colour. As well we have just released our Rosewood Collection which is a series of looks inspired by the characters of Pretty Little Liars. You can check all these products and looks out by clicking here.
After all the crazy planning of getting all the models and photographer organized the day is finally here! Today we have 4 new fall looks and products the models will be rocking. Check back soon for all the pictures and products! :)
Last Tuesday, a group of my friends and I had the most epic time one could have. We had a paint war! Yes, a paint war. Although you may be thinking "what does a paint war have to do with a beauty blog" I wanted to blog about it because its all about playing with colour and creating art! We threw bottles, and bottles of different colours at each other then dumped sparkles on everyone. I think that it was an incredible experience i will never forget because it was out of the ordinary, and spectacular. All the colours on everyone looked amazing and brightened up the world a little more. The same goes with makeup! Colours, experiementing, and just having fun! You dont have to follow all the "rules" for makeup. Just have fun with colour and you cant go wrong! (within reason :P) Mavrags will be uploading some videos very soon, to show you how you can acheive some incredible looks just in time for heading back to school! So go for it, and have fun!

Hey everyone!
This is an update about the Rosewood collection. We have found a couple photographers so the plans for the shoot are being made. We have an awesome selection of models and we are looking to have the collection launched mid October at our fall and halloween open house, just in time for halloween and the halloween PLL special episode.

Alright, so the message behind this blog post is "just do it!" I want to talk about fashion for a second and just say...honestly, there are so many trends out there and influences for fashion so it can be confusing and hard keeping up to date with style and fashion. I just want to say...It is not worth it in the least and who has that kind of money! It's too tiresome to stay up to date and look trendy all the time however; I'm the type of girl who likes to have fun with my fashion and style, so i say pick something a little wild and out there compared to your normal fashion, pick a couple trends you like and just go for it! It doesn't matter if its not "in style" if you like it rock it out! Today I was at the mall and I was in H&M with some friends. We were shopping the clearance rack when I saw these huge, baggy, highwaisted pants in this insane pink, orange and black cheetah'ish print (left). Usually I never would have looked twice at them, and just walked away but instead I looked at the price and saw that they were only ten dollars compared to there regular price of thirty dollars. I was very reluctant to purchase them but then after thinking how inexpensive and cool they were I decided to take a step outside my comfort zone and be bold and daring and purchase them. I knew they were not my usual but I decided to spice things up and honestly, it gave me a little adrenalin rush buying them. When I got home, I made a million diferent outfits incorporating them and love them! All in all, just break your cycle and try something new, whether its new pants, new hair or a new makeup look, in the end you will have made a daring change and if you don't like it, you can find another. Don't be afraid and JUST DO IT!

Started the day with bringing up all the boxes of party supplies and product up from my office this morning. Started setting up and making all the pretty table designs and displays. Worked hard all day on all that jazz, while sending out emails and booking appointments with clients. Then I headed off to a checkup appointment for me, then home again to keep working at it all. At 7:00pm headed out for a house visit and had a lovely time playing with makeup, helping some lovely clients find the right products for them and socializing. Very relaxing and great connecting with people. Then I came home made a batch of fresh cupcakes and now I'm just finishing polishing things off and heading to bed. I will check in tomorrow before the open house. Basic agenda for the day, wake up, do more set up, icing the cupcakes, make a punch, go to soccer game, come home, shower, and then open house time! I love open houses, and I hope everyone can come and hopefully share in the joy of the open house positive energy, all the while supporting a local sports team! Night, night!