Trend Two! Marbling your nails! Absolutley the coolest thing, super easy to do and looks incredible! (Above) Alicias nails are painted blue and orange but you can customize your nails to be any colour and design you'd like! This way of doing your nails is so unique. You'll captivate any group with this stunning new trend!Posted below is a great video showing you how to get this look!
Need a new trend to spice up your style! I'm currently loving feather extensions! Today I got two put in my hair, as you can see in my picture (left). The great thing about them! Well one, you can get them in a million colours, sizes and styles and two, you can straighten them, curl them and wash your hair with them in! They last untill you want to take them out, theyre so cool! A quick and fast way to add a lil fun into your style! If you are interested the salon I went to in burlington, charges $12.00 for one BUT if you mention that I sent you you save $20.00 on your visit!! So if you are interested in getting these fantastic accesories, ask me for the name of the place and you will be good to go! Aswell these extensions are NOT available for the public to buy, yet! So get them while there hot!

More and more work is being done on here, everyday! I want it to be the very best it can! Last night before I went to bed, the website had over 700 hits! WOW! I couldn't believe that! I was so excited. Now it has a whole new look and even today, I'm watching the view number, climb! Its such a great feeling, knowing people are taking the time to look at what you've created! :D
Please check this video out! You will be shocked but glad you watched it!

Hey everyone, welcome to the new Mavrags site. Hope you all like it. Make sure to check back for new updates, contest, give aways and events! We have lots planned for the beginning of fall so stay in the loop with us and like our facbeook for more perks! :D